The Intrinsic Stochasticity of Single-Degenerate Type Ia Supernovae - A short introduction

An asymmetric deflagration breaking out of the white dwarf’s surface after a buoyant rise shortly after initial ignition.


Presenting a new set of three-dimensional simulations of single-degenerate (SD) Type Ia supernovae undergoing a gravitationally confined detonation incorporating new findings concerning the spatial distribution for the initial ignition, implications concerning nature and intrinsic stochasticity of outcomes for SD Type Ia supernovae will be discussed.

Oct 11, 2018 5:20 PM — 5:40 PM
IMPRS Symposium Fall 2018
Garching, Germany
Chris Byrohl
Chris Byrohl

My research interests include cosmoslogical galaxy formation simulations, Lyman-$\alpha$ radiation to study galaxies and the large-scale structure, supernovae type Ia and high-performance computing.