1. The Basics
The Lyman-alpha Line and its Radiative Transfer Properties
2. Results
Spectra and radial profiles of LAEs
Redshift Surveys
Intensity Mapping
\(\sigma_{\alpha,0}\sim 6\cdot 10^{-14} (T/10^4)^{-1/2} cm^{2}\)
→ (Zheng et al., 2011) find 2PCF to be deformed by a Radiative Transfer Effect.
→ (Croft et al., 2016) compute similar elongation from observations, explained with (Zheng et al., 2011).
→ Problem for HETDEX?
→ Prior findings likely artificial due to resolution (and emitter model).
→ Artificial RT effect depends on the frequency distribution.
→ Based on our findings, no such effect expected in Lyman alpha surveys, particularly at low redshift.
→ Imprints of radiative transfer on Mpc scales!
→ Increasing influence with redshift.