cosmic web

The Lyman-alpha cosmic web in TNG50

The cosmic web can potentially be observed in direct emission through the Lyman-alpha line. While luminous Lyman-alpha emitters are already an established powerful tracer of the matter distribution in the high-redshift universe, the implications of …

The faint Lyman-alpha cosmic web in TNG50

The diffuse filaments of the cosmic web can potentially be observed in emission through the Lyman-alpha line. While luminous Lyman-alpha emitters are already an established powerful tracer of the matter distribution in the high-redshift universe, the …

Illuminating the CGM with Lyman-alpha emission

The Lyman-alpha cosmic web in IllustrisTNG

The Lyman-alpha Cosmic Web

While Lyman-alpha emitters (LAEs) are already a popular astrophysical and cosmological tracer of the high-z (>2) universe, diffuse Lyman- alpha observations outside of galaxies could become a powerful probe of the filamentary structure of the cosmic …

Simulating a Universe full of Lyman-alpha: From LAEs to LSS